Baska: Bewitched by Batagur One of the modern strongholds for turtles of the genus Batagur is Malaysia, where several factors have led turtles of the genus to exist in a relatively good situation. This country is home to two species : the Southern River terrapin ( B. affinis ) and the Painted River terrapin ( B. borneoensis ), and would have the largest wild (and probably captive) populations of both of these species. Why this is so is doubtless due to a number of factors including the ecosystem niche area available for these species to inhabit, the culture of the peoples of Malaysia, the relative political stability and subsequent economic stability of the nation, and the efforts of conservationists within and beyond government that have focused on these species for many years. Ecologically, the land and hydrology of the area that Malaysia exists on is rich, being tropical, with a great spine of mountains in the interior and an abundant hydrology that benefit...
Bewitched by Batagur Poking and prodding into knowledge about the most beautiful turtles that grace our planets rivers and estuaries.
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